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Writer's picture Fabienne & Alain

Yummie Yummie those almond cookies .

Updated: Feb 27, 2023

I'm testing today my cookies the recipe is from my cousin in Holland they are really good made with Sardinian Almonds and our home made Honey from our farm yes at Stazzu la Capretta we have some bees.

A bit rest in the winter when the weather doesn't allow our work outside,so than i make jewelry or I Knit ,Crochet,Clay,Drawings everything what i can do with my hands.

I make some Jewelry for my guests when they come at our guesthouse for their summer holiday.

I love it several times guests who became friends come back,so we enjoy.

But to come back on my cookies.



60 gram butter

100 gram Sugar

100 gram Honey

40 gram Fresh Orange juice

1 table spoon Cinnamon, a bit salt

60 gram Almonds

100 grams flour, And some orange zest.

1 Egg

1 table spoon backing powder.

(if you want dry cookies you don't add the egg and backing powder if you want like cakes you add it.)

In a big bowl you put smooth butter ,Sugar,Cinnamon,Salt, little chopped Almonds ,Fresh Orange juice, egg,and backing powder and some Orange zest.

You mix well with a spoon and little by little you add the flour.

When it's all mixed you can bake it on bake plate of your oven or in muffin paper cups so they become like cakes.

in the muffin cups you fill them with 1 big table spoon not filling at the top.

and for dry cookies you make a little flat round cookie with a table spoon on your bake plate.

Just at 220C° 8 at 10 min for the dry cookies and 12 at 13 min for the little cakes showed on the picture.

Bon appétit.!


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